Reclaim your Space
There is a fundamental problem with space in American culture. We are a consumer society and as such consumer goods fill our lives, clutter our homes, hinder our serenity. The idea behind Cling came out by witnessing such chaos in the kitchen in the homes of people I frequent. The counters were covered with spice racks, coffee makers, blenders, and the lowly toaster. The toaster struck me as the most logical being that it was the lightest and smallest which would make hanging the easiest.
The average home only has so much counter space. With the expansion of ‘things’ in our lives and the growing of families our space gets inevitably smaller and more confined. We need to simplify, but more importantly we need to organize and utilize the space that we do have. Just like the skyscraper looks to the sky so must we. Cling is a way of life; a way of putting your life back into perspective and reclaiming your space. Cling introduces a new way of fast food service. One that is presented to you gracefully. Trays offer you your toast as if being waited on. Presentation makes the meal better and with Cling not only do you get a simplification of your space, but the end result is more pleasing.
Packaging Proposal resembling a loaf of bread
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